Tutankhamun & Nefertiti

Tutankhamun was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who ascended to the throne around 1332 BC at the age of nine and ruled until his death at around 18. He is famous for the discovery of his nearly intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings in 1922 by archaeologist Howard Carter, revealing a wealth of artifacts that provided significant insights into ancient Egyptian life and funerary practices. Nefertiti, on the other hand, was the queen consort of Pharaoh Akhenaten, Tutankhamun's possible father, during the 14th century BC. Nefertiti is renowned for her beauty and influence, and her bust is one of the most iconic artifacts from ancient Egypt.

Wadjet Eye Enamel Pendant on Chain

Wadjet Eye Enamel Pendant on Chain

Product Description: This Wadjet Eye Pendant is made from metal with stunning and colourful enamel i..

Tutankhamun Mask Pin Badge

Tutankhamun Mask Pin Badge

Product Description: This Tutankhamun Mask pin badge is made from metal and is a raised high definit..

Tutankhamun Sarcophagus Pin Badge

Tutankhamun Sarcophagus Pin Badge

Product Description: This Tutankhamun Sarcophagus pin badge is made from metal and is a raised high ..

Tutankhamun 3D Pendant on Chain

Tutankhamun 3D Pendant on Chain

Product Description: This Tutankhamun 3D pendant is made from metal and is a raised high definition ..

Tutankhamun Winged Scarab Pendant on Chain

Tutankhamun Winged Scarab Pendant on Chain

Product Description: This Tutankhamun Winged Scarab Pendant is made from metal with stunning and col..

Tutankhamun Winged Horus Pendant on Chain

Tutankhamun Winged Horus Pendant on Chain

Product Description: This Tutankhamun Winged Horus Pendant is made from metal with stunning and colo..

Nefertiti Bust Pin Badge

Nefertiti Bust Pin Badge

Product Description: This Nefertiti Bust pin badge is made from metal and is a raised high definitio..

Nefertiti 3D Pendant on Chain

Nefertiti 3D Pendant on Chain

Product Description: This Nefertiti 3D pendant is made from metal and is a raised high definition 3D..

Tutankhamun Winged Scarab Enamelled Brooch

Tutankhamun Winged Scarab Enamelled Brooch

Product Description: This Tutankhamun Winged Scarab Brooch is made from metal with stunning and colo..

Tutankhamun Winged Horus Enamelled Brooch

Tutankhamun Winged Horus Enamelled Brooch

Product Description: This Tutankhamun Winged Horus Brooch is made from metal with stunning and colou..

Pharaoh’s Tomb Transfer Pack

Pharaoh’s Tomb Transfer Pack

Product Description: This Pharaoh’s tomb transfer pack consists of a full colour A4 size card with a..

Bust of Nefertiti

Bust of Nefertiti

Product Description: This 7cm tall bust of Queen Nefertiti on a base is made from resin that is hand..

Tutankhamun Mask Model

Tutankhamun Mask Model

Product Description: This 6.5cm tall mask of Tutankhamun on a base is made from resin that is painte..

Tutankhamun Mask Magnet

Tutankhamun Mask Magnet

Product Description: This 6cm tall mask of Tutankhamun is made from resin that is painted gold with ..

Tutankhamun Mask Key-Ring

Tutankhamun Mask Key-Ring

Product Description: This Tutankhamun Mask is made from lead-free pewter and is a 3D model of the ma..

Showing 1 to 15 of 15 (1 Pages)